
Jesus said ‘…go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’
Matthew 28.19

At St Bartholomew’s we baptise people of all ages when they, or their parents, come to God in faith. We welcome them in the name of Jesus, we ‘wash’ them in water as a sign of forgiveness, and we pray for them as they begin a new way of life.
Baptism symbolises :

  • Beginning a new relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ

  • Becoming a Christian

  • Believing in Christ

  • Belonging to the Church

Baptism (sometimes called Christening) is a serious commitment as well as a joyful celebration. Those being baptised turn away from their sin and turn to Christ as saviour, Lord and the Way, the Truth and the Life. For babies and young children this is done by parents and Godparents. Parents and Godparents will also promise to pray for their child, help them to find their place in the church and set an example of Christian life. If you’re not sure you are ready for this commitment, you might like to explore the option of a Thanksgiving service which is a joyful celebration thanking God for your child.

We encourage all those enquiring about baptism to come to church for 3 months.

We recommend participating in the online 321 course about the Christian faith.

We will arrange preparation meetings with Jon the vicar.

To make further enquiries contact our administrator John :
click here or phone 07872 580450
or just come along to one of our 10am services on Sunday and introduce yourself to the vicar.